Quite simply, we donate a significant portion of the proceeds of our sporting goods sales to worthy outdoors causes that you get to pick from.
This service provides a means for a perpetual funding source for the improvement of Pro Hunting Education Programs & Facilities, Private & Public Shooting Ranges, the Shooting Sports Competitive Outreach, Hunter Education Programs and General Outdoors Recreation, etc.
This also provides a means by which all Outdoors enthusiasts can learn about and be aware of legislative activity at all government levels and protect their rights. The mission is to provide a perpetual funding source for these organizations: You and your Family, NRA-ILA, IBO Bowhunter Defense Fund, National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), Safari Club International (SCI), Pheasants Forever, Ted Nugent’s Kamp For Kids, etc. Please watch for frequent updates and new causes to support, also feel free to e-mail us with your suggestions on causes that need support.